I just installed Mandrake 8.0 on an AMD K6-2/450MHz system [384 MB RAM,
Diamond video card, SB 16 ISA sound card, two HDs, 3Com NIC]. SuSE 7.1 was
the first installation on this system so it is "master" of the MBR; I thus
asked Mandrake to write its LILO configuration to the /boot partition. The
installation seemed to go okay; all selected packages were installed, the
sound card and NIC were configured, a boot disk created, and LILO ran to
create a loader on the boot partition. However, when I boot from the boot
disk, the boot process appears to go normally for awhile then reaches a
point where it attempts to run various processes out of /etc/rc.sysinit. For
each of these processes I get a permission denied message and the boot
finally just quits. How do I recover from this? I tried the installation
twice and got this each time.

Any help would be appreciated.


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