Hello there

A very basic question, reflecting my absolute begginer status in the world
of mandrake. I'm running linux4win, and am wanting to access my windows
files, by mounting the win disk. Only problem is that all the procedures I
have read assume you have paritioned the hard drive and are mounting hda1
to the linux tree. I haven't partioned my disk, but can I still use the
/dev/hda1 /windows...etc in the fstab file? Or will this have no effect? I
am aware partioning the drive and doing a "proper" linux instillation would
resolve this problem, but I want to learn a bit about the system before I
go full in...

Thanks in adavnce for your help

Craig Wallace   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Postgraduate, Climatic Research Unit,
University of East Anglia, Norwich,

Tel: (01603) 592702



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