Dear List:

I have noticed lots of individuals on this list who have had difficulties
getting their messages replied to, as there are so many messages which pass
through this list daily.  

I have teamed up with an individual who owns a reasonably new chat server that
has a lot of potential for a #Linux chat room, and have registered one on his
server through his authorization.  As the server is new, traffic is low, and
therefore lag time is very respectable.  The server is FAST and worthy to be
used as a tool to discuss the best operating system on Earth... Linux.

NOTE to more accomplished Linux users:

I am taking applications for those who would like chatroom Operator status to
watch the room when I can't be there, and to be able to answer questions.  I
will be accepting a limited number of OPS, with a ration of two OPS to every
ten regular visitors.  At this time, I am looking for two individuals who can
demonstrate their knowledge of Linux, as well as provide me a history of chat
room OP experience.  

To apply for OPS priviledges in this new room, on this new server, please email
me at my alternate email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The reason to use this
email address is that I am soon undergoing a change in internet service
providers, and the one I am using now to compose this message will be obsolete
within several weeks.  Only experienced IRC OPS people and accomplished
Linux/Systems administration people need apply.

Before applying for OPS priviledges, please visit the official chatrooms web
site and read it thoroughly first.  If you agree with the purpose of the
chatroom after reading it, then please proceed with the next paragraph of this
email.   The #Linux webpage (in relation to this server) is located at the

When applying, please summarize your experience with Linux, state a few of your
accomplishments in using Linux, and also state your experience and time frames
in which you have performed the duties of chatroom OP and on which server(s).  

For those of you who wish to begin visiting #Linux chatroom, you are also
encouraged to first read the web page at the above URL so that you can use the
services of the room to your own benefit as well as that of others.  Then,
point your chat client to the following chat server.  We would really like to
establish a good base of people who visit the room regularly.  New chat servers
aren't much fun at first until a little traffic begins to pour in regularly. 
To visit and hopefully stay a while, point your chat client program to the

Server Name:  Info66
Server Owner:  |BONE|
Server Location:  
Port: 6667

This is a NEW server, which means the #Linux chatroom isn't as congested as you
would find on Dalnet or Undernet, etc.  Take advantage of this new tool, and I
hope to see some of you there!  Thanks

aka [DeNiZeN] (on the IRC)

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