I have a diamond viper video card and i am stuck running in
standard vga.  is there anyway i can change this cause i would
like to have my resolution at 1024 or 1280 cause i love for the graphics
to be crisp.  what do i have to do to get it to work.  i have kde but
i also have accelerated x on cd to use but i have no clue how to install it
what should i do? sorry to give u so many stupid questions but i am 
a windows user not linux and i am new to this. also my modem does not seem to
work but i know it is not a winmodem cause i had a early version of linux
installed on my pc before and it worked then.
it is a aopen v.90 modem.  have any ideas?
Darkness falls across the land...
Lawlessness prevails until.....
Oh yes Dredd has arrived!
The Law shall return to this land at last.....

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