At 06.27 14/12/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>How do you resize the Gnome Panel that normally resides at the bottom of 
>the screen?
>The default setting leaves it big enough to be seen by passing motorists.

Hi, I have a solution for your (and not only your ;-) ) problem.
Sometimes ago I read this tip on a FAQ on the web:

>AQ: How do you get the Gnome panel so thin?
>You have to edit the source code of the gnome-core package. The filename to
>edit is gnome-core-x.x.x/panel/button-widget.c line 10:
>#define BIG_ICON_SIZE   48
>change to:
>#define BIG_ICON_SIZE   24
>and recompile.

The only problem is that you have to get the source of the gnome-core 
package and recompile it, but then it should work.

Good luck!


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