
After compleating my install of LinuxMandrake 7.0 (w/o PCMCIA support or
selecting a network adapter) I am trying to get an IBM Ethernet Credit
Card Adapter II (I/O Range 1000-101f, IRQ 10, Memory Range
0200800-02008FFF, Memory Range 0200400-02007FFF). I have PCMCIA=yes in
/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia (other config lines read PCIC=i82365, PCIC_OPTS= ,
CORE_OPTS= ) but I have no PCMCIA startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/

so far i have been following


to try and figure the problem out bit since my system doesn't match their
model and I don't know how to go about creating a pcmcia startup script I
thought I would see if anyone could give me any pointers.

Thanks for any help!


(ps. I know that the eth0 FAILED durring startup w/ PCMCIA cards isn't
actually an indicator of a failed ethernetadapter, but because I can not
ping my own local network address I think that it is notworking.)

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