Hi bascule,

I tried removing the line you mentioned in lilo.conf and when I run lilo
it complained about having a large disk and such stuff and adviced I put
the line back so I did. Anyway thanks for answering. 


On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, bascule wrote:

>hi, i'm no expert but i noticed in your lilo.conf the line 'lba32'if
>this refers to what i think it does you might try leaving this out, i
>think it refers to some sort of hard drive optimisation and although it
>may only affect the booting of linux and have nothing to do with windows
>i can't see the harm in trying, if i'm talking rubbish i'm sure some
>soul will jump in and educate us both!
>> Hello,
>> just installed LM-7.1 in automatic installation mode, installation went smoothly 
>(as implied by the term "automatic") but after I reboot I noticed that I had some 
>problems ranging from desperate to minor. I have been reading previous archives for 
>two days and after trying suggested methods and failing I decided to post this one. 
>Thanks for your patience and answers.
>> Before I installed LM-7.1 I had a system running Win98-SE and a harddisk (20 GB) 
>with 1 primary (5 GB) partition and 3 logical drives in the extended partition (each 
>about 5 GB). During the installation I removed the partition corresponding to the 
>last logical drive and installed linux and swap partitions instead. Now after 
>installation I have the following problems.
>> 1. After I reboot the machine LILO asks which OS to boot, when I choose windows it 
>just hangs while the HDD redlight remains on. Linux boots normal, though. Somebody 
>suggested using DOS' fdisk /mbr but I can not boot the machine from startup floppy 
>either. From linux I can access windows partitions and seems there is no data loss in 
>them. In short, LM (or LILO) does not permit me in anyway to boot to win98. In 
>desperation, I did a reinstall of LM but it did not work. This one is my most urgent 
>problem. How can I bring my WIN98 back?
>> I attached my lilo.conf file and the output from fdisk -l > zzz
>> 2. Less urgent; I have a monitor LG 795FT Plus, video card Creative VANTA 16 MB, 
>and sound card Creative Vibra 128. How can I get linux to detect those devices? 
>Currently I can use 1280x1024 16bpp resolution but I know it is able to give true 
>color even in higher resolutions. It detects sound card as es1371, videocard as RIVA 
>TNT2 and monitor as SVGA high-frequency. How can I get linux to correctly recognize 
>my hardware configuration?
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Ercan Solak
>>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>                    Name: lilo.conf
>>    lilo.conf       Type: unspecified type (APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM)
>>                Encoding: BASE64
>>             Description: lilo.conf
>>              Name: zzz
>>    zzz       Type: unspecified type (APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM)
>>          Encoding: BASE64
>>       Description: zzz

Ercan Solak
Electrical Eng. Dept., Bilkent University, 06533 Ankara, Turkey.
[EMAIL PROTECTED],    http://www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/~ercan
phone : +90-312-290 2618

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