Hello, you've got to open an xterm, go to the
/usr/src/linux and give this command:
        make xconfig
This opens a tcl/tk interface where you can put extra
options to your Kernel, once you've finished save &
Be careful because if you do something wrong your
machine won't start the next time, for example don't
chose a processor different from what is in your pc,
Then you have to do this command:
        make dep
That's for making the dependencies, then:
        make clean
This to delete unuseful files, then:
        make bzlilo
*This last command ONLY if you use lilo as bootloader,
otherwhise "make bzImage", which creates the immagine
of your new kernel that you can find it in
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/   and you can copy it
(bzImage) in the directory /boot  updating the file
lilo.conf where there is "image=/boot/bzImage", or if
you use a floppy to boot your system after done "make
bzImage"  put a new formatted floppy(don't mount it!)
in the drive and do the command: 
dd if=/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
which makes you boot floppy.
This two things ONLY if you don't use lilo as
bootloader, if you use lilo it's okay "make bzlilo"
and you've finished (reboot the machine!).
UP the Linux's

--- Lovister LJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto: >  
 I read somewhere in one of the help files in
> order to maximize our Linux 
> box peformance, we should recompile it's kernel. I
> am interested in this and 
> would like to find out how to do it.
> Thanks...
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