I just attempted to install Mandrake Linux 7.0 on my PC via an install 
floppy disk.  The computer booted up, found the SCSI controller card, found 
the SCSI CD drive (I believe) and started the graphical installer.  I went 
through every step without a problem (I've installed MkLinux before on a 
PowerMac and it worked fine the first time) until it started looking for 
packages.  It took the computer a long time to look for packages (the CD 
LED wasn't on the whole time, but it blinked a couple of time towards the 
end) and the it came with the following error message: can't open dir 
/tmp/rhimage/Mandrake/RPMS : no such file or directory
        And then some following error messages.  Eventually I can only choose 
installing the "Misc." package.

   Any idea what is wrong?

System:         P III @ 600 MHz
                128 MB Memory
                NCR 53C810 PCI SCSI Card
                NEC (something) CD drive
                Maxtor 15 GB IDE HD (Linux Boot Partition not beyond the 1024th 



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