Ok if you got Windoze on your box ypu can do he following to get your ISP's
DNS addy.

1. In Windoze connect to ISP.
2. Click on START button and select RUN.
3. In the OPEN box type winipcfg.
4. In IP CONFIGURATION box you will then see     MORE INFO, click on that.
5. You will then see a DNS SERVER entry, this will show u the address.

Hope this is of some help.

Live Free

Jase Ladnet 2000

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 6:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] How do i run Aol on linux?

> How do i run AOL on linux? they wont give me the DNS numbers, if i cant
> AOL on linux does anyone know a good free ISP for linux?

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