file number : 40067848

I am obviously a Linux newbie, and my only prior experience with Linux was 
a RedHat 6.2 install that went without a hitch.

Abit KA7-100 motherboard
Anthon  650mhz
256mb RAM
3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 PCI graphics card
(30GB Maxtor ATA-100 7200rpm) X 2 jumpers set for master/slave
CT4810 (Sound Blaster 128PCI)
3c905b txm Eithernet card
tekram 390 SCSI card (NOT INSTALLED)
CM771 Hitachi monitor

I tried installing Linux-Mandrake 7.1 on the system below, during which I 
received several errors and then upon reboot "after successful install" the 
system hangs.

I sent in a copy of this to email support (I have the boxed version), they 
responded that the Tekram SCSI card was not supported.  The card has Linux 
drivers included wiith it, but for now I will take it that Linux-Mandrake 
does not support it, and have removed the card completely.

After the initial install with the SCSI card installed, I removed the 
partitions with fdisk.exe, and started the install process over again in 
"AUTO INSTALL" mode off the menu.

The following errors were encountered during this install:
1)  "There was an error installing packages:  xmorph-2000.03.03-4mdk"
2)  "There was an error installing packages:  gnome-applets-1.1.9-1mdk"
3)  "There was an error installing packages:  xwc-0.91.4patch1-5mdk"
4)  "There was an error installing packages:  XFree86-glide-module-4.0-6mdk"

5)  When the install got to the point to change the CDROM to "Applications 
CD (x86)" it would not recognize the CD after I changed to it, and spit it 
out with the same request as above.

    The install was looking for the "KLyx" package.  Finally I chose 
"CANCEL" and the following error came up:

6)  "An error occurred Some important packages didn't get installed 
properly.  Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective.  Check the 
cdrom on an installd computer using "rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm"

7)  during the configure x stage [you know, the little star?  :) ]  I got 
this message:

"An error has occured:  try to change some parameters"

so I changed the monitor driver to:  "Monitor that can do 1600x1200 at 
70hz"  ( this I know is true)
so I changed the graphics card driver to:  "RIVA-TNT2"
so I changed the resolution to:  "24bit 1024X768"

"An error has occured:  try to change some parameters"

so I changed every combo I could think of, using the most generic settings 
I could find.

"An error has occured:  try to change some parameters"


Finally I quit the "configure x" dialog without saving changes, and got the...

"Congratulations, installation is complete." dialog and rebooted to get:

Reboot got me to the "localhost login:"

I logged in as "root", typed "startx" and got the following...

xauth:  creating new authority file /root/ .Xauthority

execve failed for /etc/X11/X (errno 2)
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect:  errno = 111
giving up.
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

I am sending this to the SUPPORT group also and will post any information 
they give me.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

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