
I am new to linux and I was wondering if it is possible to get help with my
Billion BIPAC-PCI card on a Mandrake 7.1 linux. I have tried to follow
instructions at:

  http://www.billion.com.tw/eindex.htm, and

but to no success. Somebody suggested loading the Hisax module with type=35
and no io or irq parameter but the situation did not change. 

Any experience with this card?

P.S.: Pentium III (700 MHz), 64 Mb Ram, 15 Gb Hdds. 

| Kassim Omar Ali                   Tel: +47 64 94 8033 (Office)      |
| Department of Animal Science   +47 64 97 34 81 (Home )  |
| Agricultural Univ. of Norway          +47 930 51921 (Mobile)   |
| P.O.Box 5025                             Fax:      +47 64 94 7960          |
| N-1432  Aas, NORWAY         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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