jowilker wrote:

> I have just installed 5.3 and find in KDE that some of the window screens,
> goes through the bottom of the main screen, for instance, Gimp. When the
> icon is clicked on once, GIMP installation comes up, the screen goes
> through the bottom and I can't shove it high enough to get to the bottom
> of it. It must have buttons at the bottom, that need to be pressed,
> because I can't get rid of it, noway, nohow. I have had the same problem
> with Netscape, while trying to set it up. What do I need to do?

As I can imagine, you are not able to see whole window. Part of the window
is behind the screen bounds? If my guesses are correct then try pressing Alt
key and dragging window with the mouse in the side you want (I think in the
up direction in yours case). Drag the contents of the window, not the frame.
If window is very big you can try to repeat this several times.

I am sorry if I wrote not proper suggestions.

BTW, you don't need to abondon gimp. It is _very_ powerful application. I
know only small part of its possibilities but it looks like it is able to do
more then Adobe Photoshop... Don't beat me if I am not right ;-)


Myroslav Opyr
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