I've just installed Mandrake 7.0, and although it's mostly working, I'm
having a few problems of varying degrees of seriousness... if anyone
could help, or give me a suggestion, that would be much appreciated:
        *just as a note, I've got a pentium 3 with one hard-drive for windows
98 and another for linux, so both operating systems are on their own
        The most noticeable affect that installing madnrake has had has been
that windows now runs quite slowly on certain tasks. Upon boot-up, the
computer freezes for about 45 secs before continuing. Also, when trying
to do things like play a music cd, there is a 30 second pause between
each song... One thing that I have noticed is that when opening explorer
in windows, my D drive (the one with linux installed) is beign
recognized as a cd drive... Could this be causing my slowing down? most
of the times it freezes could be when it is accessing the cd drive... Is
there any way for me to fix windows so that it does not even pay
attention to the other hard-drive, or something of that sort? I've been
playing around with settings, but haven't seen anything...

        My other problems are with linux, and not quite as frustrating. First,
I have been unable to connect to the internet using an ethernet
connection... if someone could point me to a good howto/faq on this
topic, I should be able to figure it out myself. I've been setting a
number of different bvariables in linuxconf, but I think I'm missing or
misreading something...
        Also, I can't get my soundcard recognized... this, however, is due
largely to the fact that I haven't figured out how to run the sound
config utility yet... 

        that's about it... thanks very much for any help 
        ~Nathaniel :)

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