Hi Paul,
I haven't been doing much to make my hard drive work harder lately--mostly
trying to keep up with e-mail and other writing!  Did the bizarre behavior stop
happening at inopportune times on your machine when you upgraded to 7.2?

When you say "Linux starts rearranging things on its own," do you mean the
kernel does this on its own, or some daemon does it, or what?  Is there a way
to control what gets rearranged and when--I mean, a way that an old non-geek
like me can kind of understand?

Dave "Pa" McClamrock

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Paul wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I guess it has nothing to do with cron, if you looked so hard and came up
> with nothing interesting.
> Have you been moving around larger (megs worth) files lately? Installed
> and deinstalled programs? Things that make the harddisk work harder than
> usual?
> I have noticed things like this with 7.1 also, although they never caused
> my X to crash as you say.
> When the disk gets 'messy', Linux starts rearranging things on its own.
> Usually it does so when the machine is idle though. This action is pretty
> intense on the system, that is why the machinery is very much slower.
> Why things are causing X to take a nose-dive... I can't help.
> Paul

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