
In short, how do I get KDE or GNOME to run. All I can get is twm.

In long:

I've just installed Mandrake7.2 on two boxes. (My first ever attempt at 
linux installation, so I'm feeling pretty good at this point.)

The first installation on a Dell Inspiron 7500 went swimmingly. Everything 
worked automatically like it was supposed to, and I rewarded myself with a 
game of TuxRacer.

Then, I wanted to also install on a Sony VAIO PCGSR-17K. Unfortunately, it 
being a teeny-tiny laptop, it has no floppy or cd-rom drive. So, I 
performed a bit of brain surgery, put the VAIO hd (IBM) into the Dell, and 
installed there. Install went great.

Returned the VAIO hd to the VAIO box, and booted up into linux.

No X. *sigh*

Today, after a bit of struggling, and walking up to strangers on the street 
asking if they know X (well, not quite, just people at work, but I did ask 
everyone...), I got the 4.0.2 drivers down from XFree86.org, convinced the 
config files that they wanted to use the savage driver, and startx now 
produces X. But, I've only got twm, and I can't get either KDE or GNOME out 
of the bugger. (I'd really like AfterStep Enlightenment, but that's for 

I'm sure I've somehow confused things from the Mandrake standard by doing 
the 4.0.2 XFree86 install. Can someone help me get back on track?


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