Actually, I guess i should of said it's a 3Com 509b in a PC.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Scott Wojtowicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] delaying eth0...

> If you are using a PCMCIA network card in a laptop, it is delayed until
> pcmcia module starts.
> Dave
> At 04:46 PM 4/17/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >I get a message saying "Delaying eth0 Initialization" on boot up.  What
> >are possible causes to this?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Scott Wojtowicz
> >
> "...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
> foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
> and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
> (1 Cor 1:23-24)

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