Have you tried typing "startx" from the command prompt? First, you have to
log in, as either "root" or as another name that you've entered. At the
prompt, type 'root' and then whatever password you chose, then simply type
'startx'. If you installed everything properly , then the WindowsX server sh
Yes...it is a bit complicated, I know...but I'm extremely new with linux,
too...and I just followed the directions. One hint...read the install/readme
from the licq tar file...there is one difference
in the /.profile file. And...you have to add a few lines to another file,
which the licq site doe
Have you gone to http://www.licq.com yet? It is still a bit of
work to install, but a bit easier than using the ICQ Java verision, and you can
also download a Windows version merger, to import your windows icq stuff. Also,
check out http://www.linuxnewbie.org
which has a specific on installi