I had the same with RED HAT. What I did is the following
 1. I started a install of Caldera. I then aborted out of it. Now my
disk was trashed.
 2. Reinstalled Red-Hat seamed stable. Still crashed
 3. Got mandrake from a Magazine made boot disk and reinstalled.
 They say you can reinstall over corrupted but I think it is better to
start out fresh.
 My troubles with Red Hat were 1. couldn't get printer to work 2.
Couldn't get to internet -modem would dial.
 Now with Madrake  -printer works fine. I never hear the modem start so
I'm down to 1 problem. An improvement but still not right. when I got to
internet I only see netscape and not kppp.
                                            take care    Chuck Dunkirk

Mohamed Saad wrote:

> Hello everyone...
> How are you? hope everything is allright!
> well... I am really having lots of troubles! Linux is
> currently crashing at a rate of 2 time per day!! ( i
> use it for just 1 hour/day!!!)! the problem is that
> every time it crashes, i have to press reset, which
> makes it crash even more and so on!!!!
> so... How can i reinstall Linux?
> can i just begin the installation process again, and
> it will replace all corrupted files? or must i remove
> the linux partitions first??
> btw, where does linux store the fonts? how can i
> install more fonts??
> well.. what do i do if i get a program that require
> some old X files (hehe! :) like libXt.so.3?? How can i
> run the program without having to recopile it from
> sources? please explain in details!!
> thank you...
> Urs forever...
> Mohamed Saad
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