Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> >
> >  Where can i get partion magic for free?
> The short answer is, "You can't." It's a commercial program -- about
> $50.00. It's very powerful, easy to use (considering what it does), and
> has a good reputation for not screwing up your data. I've used it
> several times with no problems.
> There are some other programs that do the same job, and probably some of
> them are freeware. Try Tucows or some of the other software sites. I've
> also seen some Linux CD's that include a copy of PM -- I'm not sure if
> these are stripped-down versions.
> -- Carroll Grigsby

Its worth bearing in mind that a version of PM along with DRive Image
comes with Scott Muellers "upgrading and repairing PCs" book. this is an
encyclopedic tome with a cover price of $60, probably available cheaper
mine was!
- chris perry

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