What is your version of XFree ?
You should try Mandrake 6.1 -> XFree 3.3.5 has got a server for i740 (I don't know 
exactly, but Xfree 3.3.4 should have it too)

> ** Original Subject: [newbie] X-server
> ** Original Sender: "Cheeqa Kidman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ** Original Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:18:32 +0800

> ** Original Message follows... 

> Hi,
> If you want to know who is the real beginner in Linux, well, that will be
> me.
> I've just installed Linux-Mandrake on my PC, but I can't set up the
> X-server.
> I think it caused by the false configuration of my Display card. My display
> card is i740 and it is not listed when I run Xconfiguration.
> Where can I find the right driver for my devices if they aren't listed in
> Linux Configuration (especially Display Card)?
> How can I install it if I find the file?
> Can Linux do plug-and-play?
> Thank's before...

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


Daniel Coquette

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