you could try changing your video card to the matrox g200 since from what i've
been told most matrox cards are universal except for a few things like if your
card has a tv tuner on it e.t.c as i'm running x with the g200 and had no probs
so try telling x you ahve a g200 in the cardn selection screen might work 

On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> I'm very new to the Linux world, and as such, I have decided to try
> installing Mandrake Linux 7.0 on one of my machines.
> The install runs fine up to the point of Configure X.  At this point the
> auto-setup of my video card/monitor fails with the following error:
> "Could not open default font 'fixed'"
> I'm running w/the following:
> Optiquest V775 monitor
> Matrox Mystique 2 Meg video card
> 64 Mb Ram (if that even matters)
> PII 233 (again probably doesn't matter)
> It asks me to 'change some parameters', which of course, I've tried
> everything I could think of but to no evail.  Anyway, I'm not sure if this
> is a function of it failing to detect my hardware or the install not
> correctly configuring/copying the 'fixed' font.
> Thanks in advance.
> Keith Stacks

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