Theres a little program called putty.exe that I use for SSH in windows and
works greate for my small purposes. You can grab it at
allthough this box is sitting in Norway it should be a cuick download (148k)


>===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
>you can shutdown with telnet
>log in as a user, su to root and then
>shutdown -r now
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Tim Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 1:02 PM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH
>> The difference is in security for the most part.  There are some other
>> perks to SSH that telnet does not allow.  For example you could shut
>> down a machine with the command:
>> ssh -l root shutdown -h now
>> Once you execute that command, it will ask you for the RSA key passcode
>> and then log into that machine, execute that command and then log out.
>> The machine will then shut down.  This can't be done in telnet. And if
>> it can, it's not done easily, I've tried the command and it won't allow
>> it or look like there's a simple way to do that.
>> [timh@r2d2 timh]$ ssh yoda uptime
>> timh@yoda's password:
>>  11:39am  up 51 days, 11:44,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
>> There's an example.
>> There's also the security. With Telnet, you can't telnet in as root due
>> to the fact that it sends a plain text passwd and it's not hard at all
>> to catch those passwds.  SSH sends a plain text key.  The key has the
>> passcode encrypted within that key.
>> Windows comes with Telnet.  And it's installed by default in Win98SE,
>> and up.  (If you actually disable networking, you install the telnet.exe
>> to install the Windows networking.)  Windows does now however have a SSH
>> anything.  I don't know if they ever will, and since they're recent
>> statements about OpenSource, Linux and GPL, I doubt they will do
>> something like that any time soon.
>> There are plenty of applications you can buy or download as FREEware.
>> Personally I like and use SecureCRT.  Which can be coupled with a SFTP
>> client.  SecureCRT does suppor telnet.  Hummingbird has a good suite for
>> telnet, I believe it supports SSH, and it should connect to an X Server.
>> However it's pricey.  Last I heard it was like $700 or so.  But there
>> are other ways of getting software that will perform the task you need
>> with out spending a dime, or with out spending an arm, a leg, and a knee
>> cap!
>> Hope that clears things up for you a little.
>> tdh
>> T. Holmes
>> "Real Men use Vi."
>> * Nadin Merali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010406 11:16]:
>> | What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
>> | has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?
>> |
>> | Thanks
>> |
>> | Nadin

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