There is particionado my disk of 15Gb.  
1ra part. (2Gb)-----> Win98 (FAT16)  
2da part. (4Gb)-----> NTServer4 (NTFS)  
3ra part. (2Gb)-----> I File Personal (FAT16)  
There are 7Gb free that there still is not particionado it, but 
when I install Linux (andrake7.1) in that free space the 
fomatea like Ext2 and OK installs linux, the problem is in the 
boot dual, it wastes ,  runs Win98 and Linux, but not 
NTServer4, it leaves me 2 different messages in 2 different 
1)No have been able to load the controller of the device \ 
device\floppy\cpqarray.sys restarts and enable the recovery 
options in the panel of control of the or the option system 
beginning / CRASHDEBUG  
2)No are the file <winnt root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe  
And in both I can no longer enter WinNT, neither with the boot 
disk and neither with the other one created with rdisk.  
Please there is some solution to this, it is that I want to 
practice with both systems  
and to reach my conclusions which serious the correct way to 
install these 3 operating systems,  
without it exists problems.  
Ahead of time thank you.  
Claudio C.

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