On 23 Jul 00, at 19:25, linus nuby wrote:
> I have been having trouble installing 7.1 from CD.
> Dell P166MMX
> Toshiba XM-6502B  ATAPI cd-rom
> The bios won't let me boot from CD, so I had to boot from floppy. 
> Everything goes well until it's time to change CDs.  The drawer won't open
> on the drive.
> If I choose Cancel, the install finishes and I have a working Linux without
> the packages from the Apps CD.  The drive works fine after install.
> If I spring the drive drawer, switch CDs and hit OK, install loops still
> asking for the Apps CD.  When I choose Cancel after that, the machine
> freezes in post install mode.
>  > Any ideas? >  > Thanx

The same thing happened to me, although I used a different
CD-ROM.  I simply pressed enter to signal It was ready (NOT) 
and shortly thereafter, the CD unlocked. I haven't finished my
instllation either. 

I hoped that someone else knew what could be done to take up 
where I left off. 


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