Someone else was reporting _THAT_ 3COM NIC not being supported ( you, someone
else...can't remember??) I would suggest getting a different NIC, one that IS
supported.  I have a similar setup here, cable modem, dual NIC...altho both
are older 3COM's (3C509B and 3C503)  I did have a little trouble getting both
working...but now both DO work.  My method (as per the HOWTO's) was to install
the ISA (PnP 3C509B first) then the ISA ( 3C503 jumpered to diff. settings
second).  Unless you really need THAT NIC they (NIC's) are fairly cheap to
purchase another, and save that one till Linux DOES support it, or you decide
to build a M$ workstation.

Tom Poturica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been wanting to get up on Linux, particularly Mandrake 6.1 and have 
> a few requirements to meet that I have been unsuccessful at.  Before I can 
> leave my server machine in Linux, it must replace the current support it 
> provides in Winblows.  I need to be able to serve the net and it must 
> provide for print serving my other 5 machines on my network.
> Problem 1.)  I have a D-Link NIC that is recognized and configures just 
> fine and I have a 3-COM 3C900B-TPO that is not recognized which is my home 
> network NIC.  I have  been unable to find anybody that can help me get this

> card recognized.  A step by step would be appreciated..   I was unable to 
> find any module support(in the base) and 3-COM supposed support does not 
> install for version 6.1, 2.2.13.
> Problem 2.) I currently have a HP 895Cxi printer attached locally to my 
> server.  In Winblows it is shared to the rest of my network.  What steps do

> I need to take to make it shared under Linux?  Also, is there actual 
> support for this printer or can I use support for the HP 500 thru 1100 
> series or should I use Postscript?
> Any help would be appreciated, I have been at this too long... :(

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