Thanks to all who replied, and the direct correspondence I recieved by way of 
help.  All comments/corrections were appreciated.

I have a 20gb hard drive to set up to dual-boot with Windows 98SE and Linux. 
Currently only Windows 98 is on it.

People sent me many different opinions as to how to break it up. Some thought 
to leave it all as one big / partition, others had it broken down into many, many 
smaller chunks.  After going over all suggestions and thinking a bit about it, I 
arrived at my final solution to my partitioning dillema:

1.  I used Partition Magic to resize and move my FA32 Partition for Windows 
down by about 23 mb.  Partition Magic is the single best tool anyone can have 
for non-destructively re-configuring DOS/WIN partitions.

2. I set the drive up this way:

   8mb  -  Hidden Fat Partition to make BIOS Happy - Primary
  15mb -  Linux /boot Partition - Primary
  13GB -  Linux /mnt/dos (Win  98SE) - Primary

   and in an Extended Partition:
        1.5GB  -  Linux / Partition
        3 GB    -  Linux /usr Partition
       1.8GB   -  Linux /home Partition
        128MB - Linux SWAP Partition

Again, thanks to all who helped me work this out. As most people pointed out 
to me, there is no one right solution to this question.  It's all a matter of how 
you use (or in my case, plan to use) Linux.

   --  Steve Olson


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