
Quite a few people here asked how to run this new netscape, and the answers
generally were: "cd into the newly created dir and type ./netscape or

However, there is an easy way to running it from any dir. First, move the newly
created dir to wherever you want it, and rename it if you like (really, they
could have come up with a more descriptive name than "package", right?). In my
case I moved everything to /usr/local/netscape-v600/ so I'll be using this one
as example.

Then, in this new dir, edit 2 files. The first file to edit is the file called
"netscape" which is in fact a simple shell-script.

There you must change these lines: (originals are the ones starting with "#")

  # dist_bin=""

  # MOZILLA_BIN="./mozilla-bin"

Then save this file and open the file called "run-mozilla.sh" and change this:


Now you should be able to start it without cd'ing into the mozilla dir. Handy
for creating a desktop button that launches "/usr/local/netscape-v600/netscape".

If you want your old bookmarks under the new mozilla, simply copy your
~/.netscape/bookmarks.html to ~/.mozilla/PROFILE-NAME/bookmarks.html (where
PROFILE-NAME is the name of the profile you created. Go look in the ~/.mozilla
dir if you forgot what you named it. You'll loose the new mozilla bookmarks, but
then again. Who ever uses the preloaded bookmarks that come with the browser? If
you really want to have them, well... Do some html-editing to merge both files
in one.

I crossposted this to the expert list as well, although nobody asked about it
there. I figured some of the experts might be interrested as well.


Rial Juan                        <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
                e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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