Let me quote the web site:

"This linux distribution is user friendly. This distribution is powerful. 
 This distribution is low-risk. This distribution is free. This
 distribution suits you. "

Jean-Michel Dault
NetRevolution inc.
Company web site: http://www.netrevolution.com
Personal web site: http://jm.netrevolution.com

"The first ISP to standardize on Linux-Mandrake" =)

On Mon, 24 May 1999, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:

> Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 01:05:08 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [expert] Re: [newbie] Relevance of Mandrake
> On Sun, 23 May 1999, Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
> > I recently spoke to my computer hardware dealer about upgrading some of
> > my computer parts. He told me that once he was done he would install
> > RedHat 6.0 for me. I told him I wanted Mandrake and this is what he
> > said:
> > 
> > "Mandrake is dead.
> Now if we were Microsoft, he'd get a $100,000,000,000 lawsuit for this. ;)
> Tell him the fact that we don't do this is enough of a reason to
> support Mandrake. ;)
> > The whole idea behind Mandrake was to integrate KDE
> > with RedHat. Now that RedHat has KDE as an option, what's the need for
> > Mandrake?"
> Until we have a better list (should be soon), you can tell him Mandrake
> 6.0 is
> - faster (pentium optimizations)
> - easier (some packages better preconfigured; user creation at
>   installation time; desktopcfg to allow easy switching between KDE,
>   GNOME and Plain X; more packages)
> - less space consuming (bzip2'ed man pages)
> - more current (for example kernel 2.2.9, kde 1.1.1final, gnome-libs
>   1.0.9)
> - better with hardware compatibility (CD writers, ISDN, ...)
> - closer to its users (did you ever get a reply to a feature suggestion
>   or something from RH?)
> I'm quite sure there are more things worth mentioning, but I'm currently
> working on some other important stuff. ;)
> LLaP
> bero

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