On Thursday 19 July 2001 14:58, Randy Kramer wrote:
> Colin,
> This is the first note I sent to the expert list, describing the error
> message that I received.
> I was going to ask about doing this first, but I decided to try it, and
> looks like I got in trouble.
> What I tried to do:
> I had a FAT32 partition that I wanted to convert to ext2fs.  Started
> HardDrake, found the partition, switched to expert mode, fooled around,
> trying to format and change type, eventually deleted, created a new
> partition, type ext2fs, could not format, saw a message that said I had
> to reboot before being able to format (can't quote exactly).  Rebooted.
> The problem:
> The system won't boot.
> Comes up with messages:
>  "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
> filesystem. ... you might try running e2fsck with an alternate
> superblock:
>    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>
> *** An error occurred ..."
> There is data I would prefer not to lose on /home.  (I know, I should
> have backed it up.)
> The partition in question is not /home.  It was /mnt/win_f -- I assigned
> it a new mount point of /home2 while in HardDrake.
> So, what makes the most sense at this point -- should I try the e2fsck
> with an alternate superblock?  Should I boot from a rescue disk (or the
> install CD)?  What do I do after that.
> PS: This is a Mandrake 7.2 system with the MandrakeFreq of 20010316
> installed "on top".  I think I have a boot disk for Mandrake 7.2
> (possibly not for this exact computer), but don't have one for
> MandrakeFreq.  (Is there a difference?)
> Waiting for advice.
Hi Randy,
I would use the installation CD and choose Rescue.  Then mount the root 
partition on /mnt and do `vim /mnt/etc/fstab`.  Comment the line (#) that 
says "/mnt/win_f" or "/home2" - then save and `umount /mnt/`and exit.

My guess is that you would then be able to reboot and ponder what to do 
                         Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
        Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see http://counter.li.org/ ).
                Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586,
       kernel 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 11mdk,
              KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1.   Uptime 4 hours 42 minutes

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