Hi Judith & folks,

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 03:58, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> I don't want to protract what is essentially an off-topic
> discussion for this list, so this will be it from me.

******** Actually, this is right on topic for this list.  It in fact, 
is allowing for some bridges to be built............  :-)
> I don't know what would give someone the impression that I was
> saying Windows is intuitive and Linux is not. I explicitly stated
> to the contrary. Also, it is ridiculous to dump on everything
> Windows does just because someone likes or prefers Linux. The Mac
> and Windows got some things right. No sense reinventing the wheel.

************ Some years ago, in a consulting capacity to a strange 
Govenment Dept., I had a chance to test the "Mac 4 people" idea in 
the real world over several months.
The Mac lost completely on three points:
1. It is not Sysadmin friendly. VERY difficult to do anything to make 
things easier for basic users. Hopeless at W.A.N.
2. Horrifically expensive comparatively.
3. Much longer learning curve than a Doze system properly setup! 

MOST fascinating of all was that those who "knew" about the "friendly 
Mac" had far less trouble learning to use it than those who were the 
true control group - knew nothing about computers at all. 
Thus proving dear old Dr Max Maltz's hypothesis that the expectation 
is the critical thing. 
AND the power of Advertising. After seeing an Apple Ad - I often want 
to rush out and buy one.............. and I KNOW the things.  :-)
> I've been an activist in various causes for well over 40 years, and
> I can tell you that "they've been bought off" is the stock answer
> when mainstream media do not adopt the same line as the members of
> the cause.  I think it's quite
> insulting to assume everyone who doesn't agree with you has been
> bought off somehow or just doesn't know any better.
>  --Judy Miner
************** Ahhh, the only problem here, Judy, is that *most* of 
the time it is true.  :-)
The way the System works is simple:
1. Our Owners are on top and intend to stay there. Less change is 
therefore better. 
2. Money is the grease of all commerce. Not innovation, not style, 
just money. 
3. It is entirely illogical to expect the Tobacco Companies to give 
up their income. It is only logical to offer them a better deal.
Even licensing say, Marijuana/Heroin to them and giving them a 
partial monopoly on its distribution would be one way ............ 
except then you upset the current drug cartels.  It is a bit 
4.  Try writing an article that could even be conceived to possibly 
upset the main advertisers.................. 
5.  Bought off?  Sugar industry. Vaccinations. Fluoridation. 
Alternative fuels. Various War-things. Politics. M--osoft? 
(The reason a lot of people use code descriptions is because THAT 
company uses extensive datamining technology to keep the peasants in 
line. They are often just cautious people - or have a sense of 
humour. :-)   

http://counter.li.org GO HERE IF YOU SUPPORT LINUX! 

Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

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