I'm getting the following error message when I startx as a normal user
(Everything works fine as root):

"xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/scott/.Xauthority"

I've tried removing and replacing the .Xauthority file in my home directory
and it makes no difference. I read the man pages on xauth, but whenever I
try to use any of the xauth commands, I get the same error message. I also
searched the list archives and came up with nothing useful.

This problem started after I deleted the 128-bit version of Netscape and
installed the Mandrake 6.0 update 4.61  Netscape RPMs.

I'm running Mandrake 6.0 with all updates installed. In addition, I upgraded
KDE to 1.1.2 using the RPMs from 6.1. Everything was working fine until I
uninstalled and reinstalled Netscape, although I don't understand how this
could be connected to Xauth.

Can someone please tell me how to fix this? 

TIA Scott Miller

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