okie....  this file permissions thing is starting to bug me.

first - am i correct that a directory must be executable for it to be opened?

i have linux/windows duel boot.
i am a writer & photographer & right now i have a whole bunch of word processor files 
& image files on a fat32 drive called "data"  as in /mnt/data.

so, i copyed from data to my home.  i believe i used the command
cp -R /mnt/data /home/skippi
or something like that.  result was, i ended up with /home/skippi/data and in that 
directory was everything on the fat32 drive "data"

problem.  i couldn't rename or delete anything.  i noticed that all these files were 
owned by root.  why????

so i did 
chown skippi -R data
ok, now they all say skippi owns them.

i did then
chmod 666 -R data
now a file shows something like this when doing ls -l
-rw-rw-rw- 10 skippi skippi 71034 Oct 24 19:222 file_name
first question, what does the "10" mean?
now at this point, as skippi, i could not enter any of these directories, but as root 
i could.  why????

then i did
chmod 766 -R data
now, as skippi i can enter the directories, but now all the files are marked as 
executables, which they are not.

explinations please
my linux book explains chmod & chown pretty well as far as switches go, but assumes 
that one knows everything else.   =)   evidently i am missing some important 

oh, and how 'bout this.  when i am skippi and i save a file to a fat32 drive, it 
becomes owned by root.  why???

thanks much all
next question coming soon

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

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