On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 11:47:42AM -0500 or thereabouts, Gary wrote:

It has taken this reply 36 hours to reach this group.  This happens all
the time on this group. lone.  I have been on it for over a month, and it has
stayed the same.  What is wrong?  

Why does the mail consistently take this long, and why does it get lost
at times.  It happens to other people here too.  This mail server on
this group is the worst I have ever seen on the net, consistently.

Mandrake when are you going to fix it? It is frustrating enough learning
a new OS, let alone not having your mail go through.


> server.  I have used it many times before I switched to MUTT which
> handles threading far better than Pine.  Taken from the info of Pine,
> do this.
> In your setup config for inbox-path type:
> {nameofpop.com/pop3user=username}INBOX
> That's it.  When you start Pine, it will ask you for your password and
> start d/l your mail.

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