
    I just installed Mandrake 6.1 (said 6.5 on the box) and it was an
easy install.  I didn't stop to think that I needed more than just 900

    I'm going to free up a partition that is now being used for data
storage.  This is just under a gig.  My first question is:  How do I
set this partition up for Linux? I originally used Disk Druid on the
install.  If I knew how to run this program again, I'd add it that

    As someone in another message asked, how would I move information
to the empty volume so I won't run out of space on the install drive?

    I'm not running a service or anything where security or whatever
is a concern.  I installed it all to one drive except for a 100 Meg
swap volume.

    I have the system masquerading IPs across my LAN here at home. 
That part is fine.  I just can't figure for the life of me how to see
the information on the other 3 systems, which consist of 8 drives
(HPFS and FAT32).  I read today how to access a NFS, but I didn't have
any luck.  


---> Greg <---

MR/2 Tag->Windows: Just another pane in the glass.

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