You might want to try fips.  I'm not sure if it will
do it for a Linux partation but I know that its works
on a FAT32 system.  Do a search for it on  Its very easy to use.
--- Ken Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On my Linux machine I have a ~10G HD. When I set it
> up I only partitioned a 
> small DOS, Swap, and about a 5G Linux partition,
> leaving about half the HD 
> unused. If I remember the Linux partition is the
> last one physically on the 
> drive. I had intended to later install another Linux
> distribution there, 
> but  have since changed my mind and want to add that
> unused space to my 
> Linux partition.
> What tools can I use to do this? I have the DOS
> version of
> Partition Magic 4.0 installed but don't know if it
> will work
> successfully on Linux partitions - seems I read
> somewhere it doesn't. I 
> have Mandrake 8.0 on the machine and so have its
> tools available.
> Can I do this and if so what's the easiest way and
> least likely for this 
> old fumble-fingers to screw up?
> Thanks.
> Ken

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