I am trying to get Apache web server running on Mandrake 7.0.  We need to be
able to run the virtual sites by name and not by IP address.

Here is the background:

My experience with Linux/Apache = zero.

Experience with NT/IIS = extensive.

PC we are using for testing:

Hewlett Packard Vectra LE

Pentium II / 333 MHz

RAM:  384 MB

Hard Drives:  2 x 2.1 GB EIDE

CD-ROM:  20X

Network Card:  Intel Etherpro 100

I have successfully setup the networking.  I can ping routers, other
workstations and get a "telnet" session.  Apache home page comes up just
fine.  We are trying to get the ftp for uploads to go to the right directory
and get the multiple virtual sites to work.  Places that I have been to seek
help are:

www.linux-mandrake.com and www.apache.org

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




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