I think the more likely problem is script configuration. 
check whether you provide the correct full server path(not relative) in
configuration of script( that is always causing no file or directory)

http://www.iamnewbie.com/neobook.pl (my Guestbook script)

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> Hi.
> I've been running Mandrake 7.1 now for a few months to serve as a web
> server & email server for myself and a few friends.
> However, one problem that has been with me constantly, is the inability to
> run certain CGI/Perl scripts. PHP scripts simply wont work at all.
> The installation is a basic Mandrake 7.1, with apache and mod_perl &
> mod_php selected.
> Some CGI scripts run fine (Tried 2 different calendars), but others just
> wont run at all (Tried UBB & Newspro).
> PHP scripts wont run either..
> The error message i get in the error_log file is as follows:
> [error] (2) No such file or directory: exec of
> /home/httpd/cgi-bin/newspro/newspro.cgi failed
> Premature end of script headers: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/newspro/newspro.cgi
> If i execute the cgi script at the command prompt with perl, it runs just
> fine and shows the html code, but apache just wont run it.
> Since it said "No such file or directory", i assumed it was a permissions
> problem, and changed ownership, group, permissions etc....even tried to
> copy it into a directory where i had the calendar script that worked, but
> to no avail...it still gave me the same error message.
> PHP scripts give me the same error..
> Feels like i've ran my head into a concrete wall ;)
> Any tips appreciated!
> Regards,
> Johan

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