Hey all,

I have a 17 inch Bridge Monitor which Drake 7.2 does not support (it didn't
support it in 6.5 either)... I have no specs for it and no manual... its
model number is CAG-665SG and thats all I know about it.  I did a search on
the web for info about it to no avail.  In the Drake installation (awesome
job with that, by the way... this was the only problem I had with it.) it
defaulted to a Generic monitor that can do 1024 x 1400 (? I think that was
it... I should have written it down) but still didn't work.  I got an error
message that said "No screens found"  I tried various other combinations of
monitor, video card, and resolution.. none of which worked... I even tried
a VGA 640x800 @ 60hz which I was told all monitors can run at and it didn't

So I chose to quit at that point and tried rebooting into Linux and I got
to a screen that has Tux on it with a blue backround on the left side...
and the right side is blank.. I think this is the graphical boot up process
(its past grub)

So... what do I do?  where can I find specs?

anyways... I'm going to rerun the installation tonight... to write down my
errors and see if I can at least get to the command line...

Thanks for any help

"Lazy is good when there's nothing to do. But Lazy is even better when
something needs to be done." -Llie Rion
California, n.: "calor" meaning "heat"; "fornia" for "sexual intercourse"
or "fornication."
Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex"

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