Unable to re-establish my internet connection.

 My initial install of LM 7.2 setup internet OK.
 So I know the hardware/modem is not the problem.

 While messing with cups to try to get user access
 to my printer, I broke LM badly - flashing monitor,
 no NTLDR or boot on startup, boot floppy just gets
 back to flashing monitor - so I used the CDs to
 do an update ( 2 hours +  on this 166Hz/64MB machine).

 The update got me back to where I could use DrakConf
 to setup my ISP connect info.  But many tries with
 various combinations of info never got a beep out
 of the modem - and no messages that I could find.

 So I tried the manual for kppp.  But I could not find
 any help in where to start, or how to troubleshoot.

 Next I tried the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO.
 It led me thru a verification of files:

        ALL: ALL

        ALL: LOCAL


  /etc/hosts       localhost         donm


        donm * passwd     ( where passwd = my ISP passwd)

        #this file did not exist so I built it as 
        #instructed in the HOWTO
        TIMEOUT 5
        "" ATZ
        OK ATDT12345678
        ABORT BUSY
        TIMEOUT 45
        CONNECT ""
        TIMEOUT 5
  The above was implemented as root with cmd:

        exec pppd connect \
        'chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chatscript' \
        -detach crtscts modem defaultroute \
        user donm
        /dev/modem 38400
   This gets as far as showing ATZ on the screen
  and then error: /dev/modem  permission denied

  I tried all permission settings on /dev/modem
  and its link to /dev/ttyS1 but could never get
  past this error.  The first char in the permission
  strings for /dev files are not normal files and
  may prohibit direct access. But the HOWTO script
  says do it. I tried chmod, chgrp, chown to all
  possibilities but never got past the error.

  After a day of this I need help !


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