Andy Social wrote:

> I burned an ISO of Mandrake using Easy CD Creator 3.5b and an IDE Ricoh
> CDR.  Just loaded up EZCD, told it I was creating a CD from Image, and
> pointed it at the image.  Make sure you tell it to look for an ISO file
> type, not a CIF file (the default).  Also, let it use long filenames, don't
> restrict to 8.3.  It shouldn't need that setting even mentioned, actually.
> The CD even autoboots, on systems that support it.  Pretty slick.  I don't
> know about any "Rock Ridge" format, though.  It should be just a standard
> ISO type.  Hope this helps.
> At 11:53 AM 1999-03-16 -0600, you wrote:
> >I have some problem burning the iso image. My HP 7200 is on a  Windogs
> >computer and I only have Easy CD Creator 3.01 which doesn't burn in Rock
> >Ridge format. I download the Nero Burning Rom but it doesn't have any option
> >about Rock Ridge.
> >
> >Can anyone send me a description on how to do this?
> -----------
> Nil Carborundum Illegitami


I'm not sure about EZCD but if you have ToGo! (which is by the same company) you
can also do it.
The trick is to choose "track image" on startup. The iso file is an image of a
Mandrake CD so you need to specify it as a whole track.
In ToGo!, you just drag the iso file onto the track icon at the bottom.

Hope this helps
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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