I have the cdwriter set up on the desktop and it lists ok as  linked to the 
scd0 but if I click on the desktop icon the Konqueror box comes up and a 
message that says I don't have permission to access that device. If I do " ls 
-l  /dev/cdrom1"  I get the following:
lrwxrwxrwx      1 root      root                   4Dec  13 20:26  
/dev/cdrom1 -> scd0

does the 1 root    root  indicate why as user I can't access the writer even 
tho the rwx s show everyone has permission and if so how do I change it to 
give myself user permission?  The properties box  shows me as user and group 
with permission, but it's lying.  Help!   TIA 

Dennis Myers registered Linux User #180842

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