On Sat, 13 May 2000, you wrote:
> On Sat, 13 May 2000, Piero wrote:
> >I felt also reassured, since I had the same problem... But can anybody tell
> >what's a Charset?
> >
> > On Sat, 13 May 2000, you wrote:
> >> Paul,
> >> thanks for the respons.I'm reassured.
> >> Eric
> Hi Piero,
> A charset is a Character Set. In most european countries, there are
> different character sets in use on computers. Like in French there are
> special keys on the keyboard for letter with accents, cedille and so on,
> as there are special keys for typical characters for Norwegian and
> Swedish.
> Of course, pressing such a key has little use if the computer does not
> know what character it should display on the screen. Like if you press ^
> and always a = pops up, that is annoying. A character set is a translation
> table. Set the machine to characterset 25 (just picking a number), and the
> machine knows that when you press the key with scan code 0 113 should show
> a ^ sign. Where as in for instance charset 9 the same key would yield a
> " sign.
> A good example too is the $ sign. Shift -4 on the standard US keyboard. In
> the UK, that $ sign is replaced by the pound-sign (I think).
> Hope this clears things up.
> Paul

Thank you, Paul, your explanation is very clear. 

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