Hi Denis,

Thanks for the comments.  I am glad that this is such a priority, because
hardware problems would be the number one reason, I believe that people
might give up on such an excellent distro.  (Sorry if I offended by my
I should have known that was the case, but I think I needed to hear it.)

Anyway, Festival, is a free voice recognition program, but we finally got
it working on my machine.  There was a syntax problem when it was first
installed.  It is working. Very customizable, only you run things command line,

or via scripts that you can put in links to the desktop, like saytime.
Here is the URL for it.

I will have to look for the power-pack :)  Is the one in the power-pack X or
command line?

Thanks for taking the time to answer.


Denis HAVLIK wrote:

> Hi, Bambi
> Since you specifically asked for comments:
> :~>My wish list would be better hardware support.  Specifically, the TV side
> :~>of my All in Wonder Pro...so I can port my computer to the TV and use the
> :~>DVD capabilities of the card.  I have a USB scanner that I would love to
> :~>use...doesn't  see it .  Had an interesting time configuring my Yamaha
> :~>OPLSA3 card on my MB with VIA chipset (had to set bios to PnP, yes
> :~>I said PnP to get the card to install), then remove the ISAPNP support
> :~>in Linux once it is configured and reboot, then change the bios to NOT
> :~>be PnP so Linux will see my USR internal Sportster modem.  This was
> :~>a little trick we played on Mandrake Linux ... and it was the only way
> :~>to get both modem AND sound to work at the same time. with my
> :~>MB and hardware configuration.
> "Better hw support" is something we work on all the time. Under "we", this
> time I do not mean only Mandrake. We do not really need any reminding
> here.  Our bigest problem at a time is: lack of hardware for testing, but
> we hope to solve this problem soon.
> :~>Festival or other voice recognition support that works would be nice
> :~>also.  I can't get that to work on my Linux and it works on my Jim's
> :~>RedHat Linux box.
> What is "Festival"? AFAIK, There is a voice-recog. prog in power-pack, but
> I am not avare of any free ones.
> cu
>         Denis
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
> Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------

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