NONONONONONO They just don't work. when we got our dsl about 2 years ago
home pna was out and we were going to put that in and I wasnt thinking and
bought a card and it didn't work. Recently we upgraded to hpna 2 and i tryed
again with a new card nope.  Get the bridge like i did!

Brandon Caudle
15yr Old Avid Unix User (HP-UX,FreeBSD,Linux)
Larkhaven Golf Course
Charlotte, NC

"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." -- Henry
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Evil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: [newbie] Experiences with HomePNA stuff?

> I am considering getting my building wired up with HomePNA gear.  It
> would have to interface with computers on Windows, Mac, and of course
> Linux.  I know there are different options, including ethernet-HomePNA
> bridges which would definitely let any machine work with it.  However,
> does anyone have experience with using HomePNA cards in Linux
> natively?  Also, how well does the system work?  What kind of
> distances can you get, and is it somewhat reliable, or is it very
> finiky depending on the quality of the wire?
> Thanks

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