Earlier I wrote a message concerning being unable to print more than one 
item.  Another user suggested I post the contents of my 
/var/log/cups/error_log file, so here it is.  I don't understand most of it, 
but it does seem that something is terminating when it shouldn't.  Does 
anyone have any idea why I could only get one successful print and the 
others acted like nothing was in the spool?

Thanks in advance!

Wendell Gragg

I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:06:33:59 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [11/Jun/2001:06:34:08 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [11/Jun/2001:06:58:00 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:50 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:36:58 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Job 4 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1876) for job 4.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1877) for job 4.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:41:09 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1878) for job 4.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Job 5 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1886) for job 5.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1887) for job 5.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:43:58 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1888) for job 5.
E [11/Jun/2001:21:44:02 -0600] PID 1887 stopped with status 32!
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Job 6 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1895) for job 6.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1896) for job 6.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:45:16 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1897) for job 6.
E [11/Jun/2001:21:45:20 -0600] PID 1896 stopped with status 32!
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Job 7 queued on 'lp' by 'wendell'.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 1908) for job 7.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 1909) for job 7.
I [11/Jun/2001:21:47:14 -0600] Started backend 
/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 1910) for job 7.
E [11/Jun/2001:21:47:19 -0600] PID 1909 stopped with status 32!
E [11/Jun/2001:21:53:33 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [11/Jun/2001:22:07:56 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [11/Jun/2001:22:08:05 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [11/Jun/2001:22:25:44 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:33 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:33 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:33 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:34 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:29:41 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [12/Jun/2001:18:29:45 -0600] SendBrowseList: sendto failed for browser 1 - 
Network is unreachable.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:29:45 -0600] Browsing turned off.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:33:36 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:41 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [12/Jun/2001:18:36:48 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 
E [12/Jun/2001:18:36:52 -0600] SendBrowseList: sendto failed for browser 1 - 
Network is unreachable.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:36:52 -0600] Browsing turned off.
E [12/Jun/2001:18:40:32 -0600] Scheduler shutting down due to SIGTERM.
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Listening to 0:631
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Sending browsing info to d0b4ddff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Sending browsing info to c0a800ff:631
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:29 -0600] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [12/Jun/2001:22:13:39 -0600] LoadPPDs: Wrote /etc/cups/ppds.dat (1665 

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