
Yesterday I took the plunge and installed 8.0beta2 from scratch.  One of the
things I'm struggling with is fonts in KDE.  Whilst on 7.2 everything was
fine and I had installed a load of ttf fonts that were formerly used on

What's happened now is that although I've now reinstalled them, and Gnome
sees them, KDE refuses to let me use anything other than 6 or 7 basic fonts.

If I go to fonts in "Look n Feel" again all I can see is these few not very
attractive fonts.

What gives?  


  O    Dave Naylor   [  All your base are belong to us  ]
 <|>                 [    This boy has broken down      ]
|---|  ICQ 16742766  [  http://www.chipsngravy.co.uk    ]

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