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Subject: [Fwd: Most secure "out of the box" distribution?]
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 07:23:30 -0500
From: Hugh Semmler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: milanuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.security
Subject: Re: Most secure "out of the box" distribution?
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:33:02 GMT
Organization: Deja.com - Before you buy.
Message-ID: <8624ju$chi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <85mvr9$l47$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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In article <85mvr9$l47$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Paulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've installed the Mandrake dist (v.7beta), as server/expert and it
> looks very secure, almost all ports are closed.

I haven't yet tried bastille (the hardening scripts for RH 6.0),
but I would presume that they are effective.  SuSE 6.3 includes
several kernel modules, cron scripts, etc. aimed at tightening
up security and preventing certain attacks.  In addition, harden_suse
is a (perl?) script that asks you 9 or 10 questions that will allow you
to selectively lock down your box.  Luckily it provides a log file and
an uninstall script so you can 'undo' this if you got too much security
(i.e. not enough usability).  Obviously, once you are satisfied w/ your
security in this case, you would remove (i.e. archive on a floppy) the
logs and uninstall script so as to prevent any tampering, though you
have to be root to run them anyway.

I sat down and installed Linux-Mandrake 7.0 (Air) last night, and I was
fairly impressed w/ the security provisions, at least at first glance.
If you do the customized install, you get three security options, i.e.
low, medium, and high.  High is recommended if you want to use the box
for a server.  If you do the expert install, you now have 5 choices,
ranging from Level 0 (annotated as 'Hello Hackers!' ;) ) to Level 5
(Paranoid).  Switching back and forth btwn the main install screen and
the syslog screen, I noted a blurb that in level 5, root needed to add
specific users to a group ( the exact name escapes me at the moment) so
they could even use X.  Cool!  I took a brief i.e. <5 min tour thru the
install and user guide, and there is a section on security, titled
MSEC, or something to that effect.  In level 5, I believe pretty much
everything is closed and the administrator must deliberately open
specific ports.  Shades of OpenBSD! (Actually, Turbolinux 3.6 was
somewhat similar, just not this extreme, in this aspect).  Next big
suprise was that once you configure your network, you have the option
to download and install crypto software, including openssh, openssl,
pgp, gnupg, pgpgpg, lynx-ssl, mutt-i, and some (i believe) apache
modules.  Again, shades of OpenBSD!  Sorta like downloading the
sslUSA26.tar.gz package during install in OpenBSD.  Also, to add the
icing to the cake, you can install a hardened kernel w/ several of the
known security patches already installed during the initial install.
Yahoo! Now before the *bsd fans get out their flamethrowers for my
comparing Mandrake to OpenBSD, let me just say that I do not believe
for a minute that _any_ linux distro has the benefit of the close
attention to detailed security that OpenBSD has benefited from.
Linuxes have always focused more on new features and usability.  But if
Linux-Mandrake 7.0 is a sign of things to come, that may change in the
(relatively) near future.


There are basically three kinds of men.  There
are the ones who learn by reading.  Then there are
the few who learn by observation.  The rest just
have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.

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Before you buy.


"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere."

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