At 20:07 03/03/00 -0800, you wrote:
>I recently installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 (Deluxe) on my PII 300.  The
>installation went smoothly.  I configured the partitions, printer, modem,
>and dialup connection.  The problems begin when I boot into Linux.  The KDE
>loads fine, and all the programs seem to work..
>However, when I want to access my CD Rom drive or my Floppy, I begin to get
>errors.  I have tried several mount commands (as recommended by #linuxhelp
>on EFNet), but have had no success.  I have two CD Rom drives: a HP CD
>Burner (master) and a MITSUMI (slave).
>Since I am new to Linux, I have absolutely no clue about what to do about
>getting these things working.  Sometimes I get "bad command" and
>"Input/Output error."  It seems to me that if I installed Linux from a CD
>Rom drive that it should be able to be read by Linux.

Read very carefully man mount and man fstab.

If during installation you had any file /etc/fstab automatically created,
then change the lines caontaining the supermount feature, which apparently
gives more troubles thens advantages, and repalce it with a classic fstab
entri (not without having saved first /etc/fstab in case your changes were

Supposing that one of your cdrom was /dev/hdd and that you had a directory
/mnt/cdrom, the corresponding line in /etc/fstab could be:

/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom auto user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,rw 0 0

Piero Caracciolo
54, rue de Bourgogne
75007 Paris - France

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