Hi All,

I've got a problem with gnu-pop3d in combination with Linux Mandrake 7.2
(I don't know if it also happens with other Linux distributions). Gnu-
pop3d is installed from gnu-pop3d-0.9.8-3mdk.i586.rpm.

What happens is the following:
gnu-pop3d is started with 'service gnu-pop3d start', this starts 11 processes
of gnu-pop3d. In time the number of processes of gnu-pop3d decrease. It may
happen that in one day there are only 6 processes of gnu-pop3d left, while
there were 11 processes the day before.

It seems that processes are killed when users try to get mail with wrong
passwords entered in their e-mail programs. When the user is away for some
time the mailer may be trying to get mail over and over again, which may kill
gnu-pop3d processes, although I'm not sure.
I am also using stunnel (installed from stunnel-3.13-1mdk.i586.rpm) to provide
secure pop3 connections to my users, which are outside the local LAN. What
stunnel does is that it tunnels port 995 to port 110 and all connections are
encrypted. Port 110 is not available outside the local LAN. I don't know if
stunnel has anything to to with this problem.

Does anyone know if there is a fix for this problem?

PS. I have also send an e-mail to the gnu-pop3d mailinglist, but it seems to
be down because I receive no messages from it (I'm subscribed with two e-mail
addresses and none of them receive any mail from it).

With Kind Regards,
Arlé Mooldijk  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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